Some people are damn good with words!  You experience similar things, but they happen to have the knack for interpreting your feelings when your words would fall short. Özge Samancı is one of those people gifted with story telling. I could...
 Some people are damn good with words!  You experience similar things, but they happen to have the knack for interpreting your feelings when your words would fall short. Özge Samancı is one of those people gifted with story telling. I could...
 It was at Canlandıranlar Animators Festival that I came across Melis Bilgin’s animation, Tetrist. Remember Tetris, the phenomenal video game of the 90s, in which you are supposed to keep building blocks until there is no room left? Melis’...
  The Syrian consulate is here in Nişantaşı. For a while I worked in a beautiful art-nouveau building, the Ralli, where the consulate is located. I was fresh out of the university daydreaming of travelling abroad; taking long trips around...