YELDEĞIRMENI GRAFFITI FESTIVAL Mural Ist, organized by Kadıköy Municipality and the Foundation for Protection and Promotion of Environmental and Cultural Values, ÇEKÜL, left Yeldeğirmeni neighborhood in colors this fall. Together...
YELDEĞIRMENI GRAFFITI FESTIVAL Mural Ist, organized by Kadıköy Municipality and the Foundation for Protection and Promotion of Environmental and Cultural Values, ÇEKÜL, left Yeldeğirmeni neighborhood in colors this fall. Together...
One day when I was on my way to the Spice Bazaar in the dolmus, colorful stairs on the right side of the road caught my attention leaving a huge smile on my face. After a moment of awe, I was asking myself if this is the city I have been trying to escape...
  The Syrian consulate is here in Nişantaşı. For a while I worked in a beautiful art-nouveau building, the Ralli, where the consulate is located. I was fresh out of the university daydreaming of travelling abroad; taking long trips around...
 With my first photography exhibition entitled Revisiting the City, I aimed to explore my home city through different lenses and from different angles and introduce you to our home once again. the photos and texts I compiled from my blog question the possibility...
A  mish mash of street art in Cihangir... "Love of men kills 3 women every day." Statistics say so. The unofficial number is probably much higher.      Â
CONFESSIONS OF A BLOGGER...Up until two months ago, I spent my life bragging about my being creative. The creativity inherent even in seemingly trivial things such as wrapping gifts or dressing the salad. I had a good eye for details, or for good bargains,...
Clothes swapping is fast becoming a global movement promoting sustainable living over the last few years. Clothes swapping or "swishing" is an event, where people bring in their clothes and accessories they do not use any longer and exchange them for the new ones....
Photo credit: Adam Rosendahl I met Adam Rosendahl through 2 degrees of separation. When I had a look at his web page, LATE NITE ART, I immediately knew I wanted to be a part of his LNA in Istanbul. I got in touch with him and then put him in touch...